Hey you! I've been super busy, sorry I haven't called.
It was my grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary this weekend. It was pretty awesome, but the stress of over-perfecting things (it's my family's thing, but maybe other families do it to) was kindof harsh. I particularly didn't like the "Happy 50th! Wishing you many years to come!" emphasis. It's like, everyone is forcing them to live (well, specifically my grandmother). I don't know. I have a huge issue with people not letting people go. Does that make sense? Not that I want anyone to die, no no, it's just that there's so much pressure on my grandma, I think, to live up to what everyone wants her to be. On mine and my sister's card I wrote: Happy 50th wedding anniversary! Thank you for all of the love you've shared with us. Lot's of love: eden and diandra. I don't know... it just seemed less forceful and more focused on honestly thanking and celebrating them.
On the plus side there was duck (duck!), beer (my grandma drinks beer. That's right.), good music, and family. Plus I'm listening to Venus right now on my computer-thing.
I'm... wiggling my toes. And speaking in codes. Not letting on to what everyone knows. It's exciting. And apparently it makes me a hussy (so says my sister). What's a hussy?
Dictionary.com has varying opinions (that's why I love dictionary.com):
1. a brazen or immoral woman.
2. a mischievous, impudent, or ill-behaved girl.
1. A woman considered brazen or immoral.
2. A saucy or impudent girl.
1530, "mistress of a household, housewife," alt. of M.E. husewif, from huse "house" + wif "wife." Gradually broadened to mean "any woman or girl," and by 1650 was being applied to "a woman or girl who shows casual or improper behavior," and a general derogatory sense had overtaken the word by 19c. "It is common to use housewife in a good, and huswife or hussy in a bad sense." [Johnson]
hussy: in CancerWEB's On-line Medical Dictionary
I love how cancerweb is always included... Anyways. I'm not a hussy ^_^ (unless you want to call me a saucy and impudent girl). I like the "a general derogatory sense."
Alas, I need to go rehearse soon, but I must mention, I saw another portion of Harold and Kumar go to Whitecastle (a different portion than I saw before), which was awesome. My favourite quote thus far (other than: "Yeah, it was a dick move, that's why I'm buying you lunch.") is:
Look at me. I'm fat, black, can't dance, and I have two gay fathers. People have been messing with me my whole life. I learned a long time ago that there's no sense in getting all riled up every time a bunch of idiots give you a hard time. In the end, the universe tends to unfold as it should. Plus I have a really large penis. That keeps me happy.
Maybe not so much a hussy, but maybe a certain degree of hussy sensibility (like working-class sensibility, but more "generally derogatory"). What brought about that comment, anyway? (other than your innate hussiness ^_^)
Hnnn, this movie, it sounds good. Shall have to vaguely consider watching.
- B
Ah, the hussyness comment was brought about my chatting online with a fellow that I had a crush on whilst in the presence of other people (though they were off doing something else). Apparently that makes me a hussy ^_^
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Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
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